
FVR has already replied to this Open Letter

02 December at 08:11
via Facebook Notes
by Lila Shahani

" Thanks, all! Ryan, FVR wrote me back to say that he was "hurt" that I had gone public with my letter and that my opinion was very important to him. So I wrote back explaining why I felt I had to do so. I apologized again for having inadvertently hurt him while standing my ground on the questions I had raised, pointing out that he had not exactly answered them yet... After that, we wrote each other several more times to make peace and he eventually sent me a giant box of materials to read, which I am now going through.

In the meantime, he has decided not to make any endorsements until March of next year... He tends to believe that candidates "implode" if u just give them a little time, so I'm sure he's watching and waiting to see who will do what. Already there have been some minor implosions anyway... That said, obviously I would be much happier if he took a stance once and for all...

Feel free to re-post, Bart! "

in reference to: Notes from an Insomniac: An open letter to FVR by Lila Shahani (view on Google Sidewiki)
see the reply: http://www.google.com/sidewiki/entry/darth.Serious/id/qlJy7W3P7fytRteD_Oz1VVmZ2Aw

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