
the Sigil of Ameth on http://www.hermetic.com/browe-archive/sigilof.htm

the Link here to Clay Holden's huge (but very clear) .GIF of the Sigil is no longer valid
(BROKEN link: http://www.dnai.com/~cholden/SDA.gif)

BUT it is available here:
scroll down for the links

in reference to:

"Click here to see Clay Holden's huge (but very clear) .GIF of the Sigil. The outer ring of the Sigil contains 40 pairs of letters and numbers. These were presented in sequence to Dee and Kelly; in most cases, the presentation of the letter was preceded by a Latin phrase beginning with that letter. All the letters together were accounted as the greatest name of God."
- The Sigil of Ameth (view on Google Sidewiki)

the file:

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