
Senate Dynamics

Composition of the Senate and the Tenure of Senators
Elected senators of 2004 and 2007, term ends/ending on 2010 and 2013 June 30

Senators aligned together as the Majority Block have their names coloured Maroon.
To have a CLEAR view of the current Dynamics in the Senate Today, I also prepared a separate table considering the new landscape of political tectonics:

Senate Majority, Minority, Opposition, Administration, Loyalty and Career

Of the 13 Senators of the Opposition, only 8 voted for Pimentel and rightly so.
Pimentel is obviously being dragged into this by Ping Lacson, and whatever alliance they may have,
Lacson will surely gain the upper hand.

5 Opposition Senators sought to counter-balance the immense influence of Lacson in the Opposition by aligning themselves with Villar and the quasi-Administration block. I say quasi-Administration, because of all these Senators in the Majority today, only one Senator is sure 100% loyal to Gloria, of course, Zubiri. But that, too, might change. As the tide of opinion is surely to go against any incumbent, when the time comes for Gloria to go, would the Young darling Zubiri go out of his way to ruin what could be a luminous career ahead of him? Let the lesson of Mike Defensor work for him.



Biazon, Rodolfo G.
Angara, Edgardo J.

Pimentel, Aquilino Q, Jr. NENE
Arroyo, Joker P.

Cayetano, Pilar Juliana S. PIA
Lacson, Panfilo M.

Estrada, Jinggoy E.

Pangilinan, Francis N. KIKO

Gordon, Richard J.
Villar, Manuel Bamba MANNY

Lapid, Manuel M.
Aquino, Benigno C., III NoyNoy
elected Mayorr -x-
Lim, Alfredo S.

Cayetano, Allan Peter S.

Madrigal, Jamby A.S.

Escudero, Francis Joseph G. CHIZ

Revilla, Ramon B., Jr.
Trillanes, Antonio F., IV

Roxas, Manuel A, II
Zubiri, Juan Miguel F. Migz

Enrile, Juan Ponce

Honasan, Gregorio B. Gringo

Defensor-Santiago, Miriam BRENDA
Legarda, Loren B.

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