Today's Outlook for Tuesday August 28, 2007 Yesterday | TODAY | Tomorrow
A dreamy Pisces Full Moon Eclipse at 6:34 am EDT adds tension to the practical logic of the analytical Virgo Sun, which is amped up by a brilliant Mercury-Uranus opposition. We're pulled beyond our thoughts and become acutely aware that we cannot rely on what we see. As we temporarily lose our grip on the objective three-dimensional world of things, we can spiritualize our feelings, activate our imaginations and use fantasy as a navigational tool. |
Lawrence Cyre,
Virgo: Change may be in store for relationships ...
ghmm... anu ba yun??
the most important astro fact is the Total eclipse TODAY, mamayang gabi baka makakahabol tayo
Skywatcher Alert
lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the shadow cast by
the sunlit Earth. When the Moon enters the outer penumbra, where just
part of the Sun's light is blocked, it becomes only slightly dimmer.
Only when it passes into the shadow's core, the umbra, does it look
markedly darker. (Gregg Dinderman)
Eclipse Darkness
dull and dark, or how bright and colorful, will the Moon get this time
while in Earth’s shadow? The March eclipse was moderately bright. Many
people noted that the major craters remained easily visible with
binoculars throughout the event, and the lunar maria (its dark “seas”)
could be seen with the unaided eye. The colors were fairly subdued,
ranging from near-white at the Moon’s brightest edge to rose,
brick-red, or perhaps chocolate at the darkest edge.
August's total lunar eclipse, the Moon passes through the southern part
of Earth's umbra, or shadow core. The eclipse is partial while the Moon
is moving across the umbra's edge. Less noticeable will be the first
and last stages of the eclipse, when the Moon is only in the penumbra,
the shadow's pale outer fringe. To match the view in your sky, turn the
diagram so the "north" label is toward Polaris, the North Star.
(S&T: Gregg Dinderman)
In August, the Moon will pass a
little closer to the center of our planet’s shadow than it did in
March. So this time, we might expect it to be slightly duller and
darker around mid-eclipse.
Will you be watching this eclipse?
The reason a totally eclipsed
Moon isn’t completely black is because Earth’s atmosphere scatters and
refracts some reddened sunlight into our planet’s shadow. This is why
the shadow’s umbra (its dark central portion) glows with a ruddy hue —
anywhere from bright sunset-orange to dark blood-black.
astronaut on the Moon would see that this illumination is coming from
all the sunrises and sunsets ringing the dark Earth with the Sun hidden
behind it. The brightness of Earth’s sunrise-sunset ring depends on
weather conditions around the world at the time and especially on the
amount of dust suspended in the upper atmosphere.
Even during a
given eclipse, colors and shades in the umbra can be surprisingly
varied. The Moon will pass south of the shadow’s center this time, so
around mid-eclipse the south part of the Moon (the lower-left part as
seen from North America) should look brightest. Around the beginning of
totality, you’ll probably see a bright yellowish or even bluish-white
arc just inside the umbra’s edge. Such effects give the eclipsed Moon a
very three-dimensional appearance.
Time-lapse photography may
show “flying shadows” crossing the Moon’s face during totality. These
result from different features along Earth’s sunrise-sunset ring fading
and brightening as the Sun changes position behind the Earth.
your location to see whether the Moon will rise or set during any stage
of the eclipse for you. Because an eclipsed Moon is always full, the
Sun sets or rises at almost the same time on the opposite horizon. This
means that moonset or moonrise happen in a bright sky. (Gregg Dinderman)
Find your location to see whether the Moon will rise or set during any stage of the eclipse for you. (Gregg Dinderman)
The Next Lunar Eclipse
it was easterners’ turn, now westerners’ — but on February 21, 2008,
all of the Americas will get a fine view of a total lunar eclipse high
in the dark evening sky. That event will end a series of three in less
than a year.
After that, the next total eclipse of the Moon won’t happen until the night of December 20–21, 2010.
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